Fur Babies
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Living the Good Life!

The Troublemaker
These people pet me behind the ears and feed me!

I sure love to play. I like to play with the kitties, the family, anyone who's willing! I also like to eat. I eat Crayons, pencils, foil wrappers, candles (but the family put those away!), paper and napkins, and lip balm. I usually find these things in the trash. That place is really cool! I try to run away an have gotten out before, but they always catch me. One time I got through the hole under the fence and went into my neighbor's house. It was great! He had lemons and I ate one. Dorothy came to catch me. I was looking under the fence at her becuase I was sure she couldn't get me. But she did. That's the bad part. I have a little sister Coconut. She is my playmate.

Frosty the Bobo
Grandma nicknamed me. Everyone calls me Bobo now!

The most fun person to play with in my family is Grandpa Clyde. He likes to play with my toys. When he throws them, I always get them and bring them back. I love to get really excited and Blitz. I blitz all over the room around the table. Sometimes I stop to growl at Mario, and I keep going.

The old me
Here's what I looked like the day I came home. I've sure changed a lot as you can see.

The family rescued me. I came from a cage at a store in Long Beach. I was locked up next to some maltipoo and cockapoos. No one wanted me. Then, one day my family came. They saw me, but left. I was sad. The next day they came back. I knew I had to win them over with my true cuteness. I was looking really bad. They let me out of the cage. I was so happy I ran all over the place. Then when they picked me up, I gave them lots of kisses all over their faces. It was love at first sight!